Let’s Get Working: I’m In A Rut
Wow! This site still exists?
Yeah, it does! I haven’t posted any articles or essays in years. I said I’d start a blog who knows how long ago. But yet, I continue to pay the domain and website fees.
A friend of mine started a project where he’s going to post an instagram reel every day to talk about his daily writing. Daily writing in hopes that he can break through his writer’s block.
I’ve been struggling with my creative drive quite a lot over the past…well, forever. I’ve got a basically abandoned site here. A podcast I’ve left by the curb for far too long. Video essay scripts unfinished.
But to all that, I’m saying screw it. Everyone uses the new year as a starting point for some bullshit resolution. Why can’t I? I’ve already told myself I’m going to read more and write at least 100-200 words a day of anything.
So, let this be me saying on a public space that only really I remember exists…I will get more done. I will create more. I will make the money I spend on this site worth it.
As the title says…